What is a Model?

The word “Model” is quite an ambiguous term that holds various meanings, if you asked a group of people to explain what a model is, there’s a chance every individual will provide a different interpretation.

The most popular meaning refers to a person who’s job is to pose for photographers as a means to endorse products such as clothing. It’s probably safe to say that quite a handful of visitors who entered this page were thinking about this interpretation.

The second most popular meaning is common among tech enthusiasts. A model refers to Large Language Model ( LLM ) a program that uses machine learning to generate and understand language.

If you are wondering, how are language models used in artificial intelligence?

The process is quite simple, the model follows a repetitive process that starts with acquiring data in the form of text, images, video ( depending on the task ), then taking the gathered information to the next level which involves training all the data as a means to find patterns that can then be used to generate new content such as speech recognition, improving search engines, chatbots and various other programs that are currently adapting AI systems.

That brings us to the end of our exposition, stick around to continue learning more about the functions of AI, there is more to it then just robots.


Model Training